Case studies & articles


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& articles

When is a machine worth it?
Article by Mrs. Dr. Rachel Herwartz appeared in the journal
Technische Kommunikation 3/22

The technical editors regularly place large volumes of translation jobs. However, the translation of technical documentation is often perceived as a cost driver. A reason to switch to machine translation?

Translation with human and machine
Article by Mrs. Dr. Rachel Herwartz appeared in the journal
Technische Kommunikation 6/21

Thanks to artificial intelligence, machine translation has made an enormous leap in productivity. How can things continue now, for example with the help of pre-editing or training with your own data? What is needed is the specialist knowledge of technical editing.

Innovation with consequences
Article by Mrs. Dr. Rachel Herwartz appeared in the journal
Technische Kommunikation 4/21

Neural machine translation promises technical editing high-quality translation results. But it has its pitfalls, for example if the company terminology is not integrated. This creates completely new tasks, for example in post-editing.

Terminology work is teamwork
At the last tekom annual conference, the partner lecture by TermSolutions and Vector Informatik GmbH filled the room. How the collaboration came about and why Vector relies on termXact for company-wide terminology management is now described in a case study.

tekom relies on termXplorer
Tekom has set itself the goal of developing a terminology for technical communication and making it available to all interested parties in a database. A working group has been meeting once a month since 2015 in order to improve and develop the inventory. TermXplorer is used for collaborative terminology work during virtual meetings. This case study explains why.

With TBX to a terminology platform
Consistency in the interfaces and adherence to terminological standards form the basis for successful terminology management. A company example shows what has to happen in terms of technology and data exchange.