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  4. 5. Create / edit complex ...
  5. 5.2 Creating / editing complex filters

5.2 Creating / editing complex filters

Ø  Click on the Create new complex filter button in the list of complex filters to create a new filter.

·        The Create new complex filter view opens.

Fig.32: Create new complex filter


Ø   Click on the Edit filter button in the list of complex filters.

·        The filter editor opens.



List of symbols







Ø  Change the name of the filter.






Ø Change the description of the filter.


Filter is private



Ø   Do not check the box if the created filter should be public, i.e. available to all users.

Ø    Do check the box if you want to use the created filter privately, i.e. only with your login.






Ø  Select the field you want to filter by.


Picklist: All fields created in the termbase are available for selection in the picklist.



Field entry



Ø  For the desired field, select the content you want to filter by.


Picklist: All field contents created in the termbase for the desired field are available for selection in the picklist.

Tip: Hold the CTRL key for multiple selection.


Ø  Select AND if all selected values should be set.

Ø  Select OR if only one of the selected values is to be set.


Add new rule


Ø  Click on the Add new rule button to add additional new rules for this filter.





Ø Click on the Delete button to delete the filter.






Ø Save your entries.




Ø  Click on the Cancel button to close the window and return to the list of complex filters.





Ø  Click on the Reload button to refresh the view.


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