Configuration Manual termXact 2021 for Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Flare, InDesign & Framemaker

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  4. 1. General notes

1. General notes

Before you start working with termXact to check the
terminology of text, a configuration file has to be stored by the termXact-administrator,
if you use Excel as your terminology
data source
and not a terminology database.

As termXact-administrator you will have several

a)     You can
use a termXact
default configuration that is scope of delivery. The default configuration file
can be rolled out at the same time with termXact-AdddIn by the IT management (please
contact TermSolutions in this case).

b)    You can
prepare different configurations for user groups (e. g. version englisch
and version german based on the default configuration) which can be loaded by
the users.

c)     You can
propose a central configuration that can be individually adapted and saved by users.

termXact always uses the last loaded configuration when
starting the editor.

Word,Excel, PowerPoint and Flare:

If you would like to run your check directly against
TBX data originating from the termXplorer terminology database, which is hosted
by TermSolutions, we can provide you with an interface on request. In the
configuration, you then enter the corresponding parameters (url, user name and
password) under Service, which we will share with you when termXact is
delivered. If you have your own hosted termXplorer solution, we can set up the
service for you individually. You can also check against TBX data originating
from other databases. To do this, we first convert your data into a verifiable
TBX format (termXplorer-TBX) before checking it with termXact. We currently
offer this converter solution for the TBX dialects Across, MultiTerm and qTerm.

We offer the converter solution in two variants:

1.      as an
integrated function in termXact 2021 (standard).

In this
case, you select the desired TBX dialect in the configuration of termXact and
load the file to be checked (TBX or XML). After the conversion, you only need
to specify a few file-specific column names and values and can start the
terminology check.

2.     as an
outsourced converter (on request).

With this
variant, the corresponding converter is located in the file system and we can
automate the conversion process so that you do not have to trigger it manually
and your data to be checked is always available to termXact at the desired

If you
have any questions, please contact


For the configuration of termXact proceed as follows:

the editor.


In the menu bar click on termXact.

Click on the symbol                or on the submenu item Configuration.

The configuration window contains the tabs Colors and Verification Mode, Terminology
and File Location.

The following buttons (listet under item 2) have the
same functions in each tab.

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